
Post-Episode-59 Discussion

Why are we having a discussion episode here? If you've listened to episode 59, you should already have an idea. You definitely  should n't listen to this if you haven't heard episode 59! Check out this episode of Tales from the Glass-Guarded World!

TFTGGW Episode 59 - It Takes a Thief to Catch a Thief

Aster, Tara, and Paxton have made a deal with a devil, and if they can get Paxton to understand it, they should be able to carry it out, right? Then they can get that portal key and go find the wand fragment. Hopefully there won't be any big surprises in store.  Check out this episode of Tales from the Glass-Guarded World!

Episode 58 - The Devil is in the Details--Details Like How to Pronounce the Devil's Name

The adventurers from world 83 have begun to explore the Conjuration level, and have encountered a friendly devil named Yapka. Yapka offered to take them to his boss, Kremex, saying they might be able to help with a demon problem. Of course, the party knows nothing about demons or devils, so they happily agreed.  Having met Kremex, they might regret this.  Aster is still kind of freaked out.  Check out this episode of Tales from the Glass-Guarded World!

Episode 57 - Embarkation on an Ambulation Through the Conflagration in Conjuration

It's been a cakewalk so far, but now it starts to get weirder and more dangerous. We're starting to bring in some classic D&D lore, too.  Enjoy your favorite characters while you can, because some of them won't be around forever... Check out this episode of Tales from the Glass-Guarded World!

Episode 56 - Going Through Puzzle Rooms Backward Is Less Fun for the DM

The heroes nearly wrap up their exploration of the Abjuration level--and even though they've found two wand fragments, they still haven't actually recovered them yet. Things are going to start getting really weird after this! The next few episodes are doozies.  Check out this episode of Tales from the Glass-Guarded World!

Episode 55 - It's In the Bag. No, Really, IT IS IN YOUR BAG

The party rushes to deal with Tara's incapacitation so that they can return to exploring the Abjuration floor. Check out this episode of Tales from the Glass-Guarded World!

Episode 54 - It Ate Tara's Brain, So It's Still Hungry

After being thoroughly creeped out by a disembodied voice and an irritating maze, the party ventures out into the open sections of the Abjuration floor. It doesn't go well! Check out this episode of Tales from the Glass-Guarded World!